اعلانات الوظائف    |    اضافة اعلان
وظائف الكويت
Mechanical Engineer 2013 في الكويت
الاسم: Tarek Taksira
رقم الهاتف:
البريد الالكتروني: [email protected]

I am Tarek Mohammed Ali , graduate in Mechanical Engineering having experience in HVAC Design and Drafting. I have completed an internship and done intensive training in Mechanical engineering. I have skills focus on softwares like Auto CAD, HAP,ELITE and Microsoft Office. I am dedicated to a done well and on time, have resulted completion of projects with positive feedback from managers and clients.
I would welcome the opportunity to tell you how my skills and experience would be as asset to your organization and am available for an interview at any time.

اعلانات وظائف الكويت لمشاهدة المزيد من اعلانات الوظائف .. اضغط هنا

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