اعلانات الوظائف    |    اضافة اعلان
وظائف الكويت
Employee needed for nail spa home serves business, pedicure, manicure experts في الكويت
الاسم: Salma
رقم الهاتف:
البريد الالكتروني: [email protected]

Employee needed for nail spa home serves business for ladies called SWAN NAIL SPA. It is dedicated to nail care and skin health. SWAN NAIL SPA is about beauty treatments and nail care at home.


Therapist or employee needed for pedicure, manicure work.

Philippines needed or any Asians nationalities visa 18 or 22.

Proficient and Expert will get a good salary.

Salary is \"starting\" from 120KD with food and place to live in, 140KD without food and place to live in.

Salary is depending on the employee experience.

Working time is negotiable and there is ONE-DAY-OFF every week.

There will be bonus and rewords.

For more information or inquiry feel free to call.
Mob: 66221132


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