اعلانات الوظائف    |    اضافة اعلان
وظائف الكويت
بكالوريوس العلوم الزراعية في الكويت
طلب توظيف في مستشفى السلام الدولي
الاسم: شيماء محمد صبري
رقم الهاتف:
البريد الالكتروني: [email protected]

full Name: shimaa mohamed sabry mohamed
Qualification: Bachelor of Agriculture 2004_Higher institute
of Agriculture cooperation
Specialization: Agriculture sciences and Agriculture projects
and marketing manager
Date of Birth : 11/7/19982
place of Birth: Tanta _Gharbia
Address : 75 Hassan Shehata, st
I D Numbers: 2820711 1600227
IS Sued from: the first of tanta
marital Status: Single
Nationality: Egyptian
Religion: Muslim
Email: M [email protected]
Telephone , No: 01007571045 _01208586450
Language Skills: English : good
1-courses in computer ,windows, word ,Excel,point Internet .
2-work supervisor in the Delta international Hospital . 3-work supervisor at aHighway Hotels . 4-work with Office Accounting.

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