اعلانات الوظائف | اضافة اعلان |
وظائف الكويت
Hicham Bachiri في الكويت
طلب توظيف في شركة الحذاء الهندي
الاسم: Hicham Bachiri رقم الهاتف: البريد الالكتروني: [email protected]
Hicham Bachiri
JNANE SERRAJ RUE 8 N 6 FES (MOROCCO) +212 6 40 63 45 13 Subject : Job Demand Dear sir ar madam director I have the honour to write this E-mail to express my interest in the job offered by your company. My academic profile is well-suited to the offered job , in that I the diploma of a shoes -making also I have an experience in this domain in SOMARAC company it is also worth- mentioning that I have a degree in public law from the faculty of legal economic and social sciences. At the end please MR/MRS director accept expressions of my respect and consideration. Yours faithfully Hicham Bachiri لمشاهدة المزيد من اعلانات الوظائف .. اضغط هنا |
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