اعلانات الوظائف    |    اضافة اعلان
وظائف الكويت
دبلوم تحكم الكتروني صناعي في الكويت
طلب توظيف في شركة المرطبات العربية المحدودة
الاسم: Mousa Khaled
رقم الهاتف:
البريد الالكتروني: [email protected]

Brothers / Distinguished members of the company
After greetings and appreciation
Attached to you (cv) explaining all the necessary detailed data supported pro-certified papers from academic qualifications and experience certificates, which in its entirety and the most important 1 - Technical Diploma in industrial electronic control for a period of two years
2 - Diploma English age 3 - Diploma in Business six months 4 - Diploma in Computer Maintenance three months
Experience in the maintenance of computer and mobile phones and also treasurer of experience in the shop for two years and five months
Please check out the access and giving us the honor your agreement to work for you, and we spare no effort to success and excellence so that we are at a level of confidence entrusted to us from the functions and work
Yours Sincerely,,,,
Submitted to you / Mousa Khalid ALwadaihi

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