اعلانات الوظائف    |    اضافة اعلان
وظائف الكويت
BSC. since في الكويت
طلب توظيف في فندق كورت يارد ماريوت Courtyard
الاسم: Mohamed Abdallah
رقم الهاتف:
البريد الالكتروني: [email protected]

Safety Engneer
HSE Operations
 Implementation of Safety management system according to OHSA general, construction.
 Implement HSE program & Safety plans, site emergency plans, Project Safety Rules & Policies.
 Capable to review and sharing to prepare lifting plans and Check all using lifting gears on site.
 Conducting Training safety courses for employees as a safety program.
 Conducting risk assessment for different activities in field. .
 Participating and leading incident investigation.
 Auditing and producing reports to support the successful implementation of preventive safety measures.
 Enable Departments / Sites in setting annual HSE objectives and monitor progress.
 Maintain records for safety inductions, fire trainings, inspections, auditing, accident investigations, and incidents involving companies’ property damage.
 Prepare and issue H.S.E reports and records as well as and follow up subcontractor’s reports.
 Regenerate and regularly update H.S.E instructions as required.
*- Environment operation
 Direct internal audits to ensure all operations are executed within environmental standards.(green star hotel)
 Plan, organise, coordinate & supervise Environmental systems. And review the green star plans on hotel.

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