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وظائف الكويت
Curriculum Vitae
Biographical information
Nam في الكويت
طلب توظيف في شركة الأسماك الكويتية المتحدة ش.م.ل
الاسم: فتحى ميرغنى رقم الهاتف: البريد الالكتروني: [email protected]
Curriculum Vitae
(C.V) Biographical information Name: Fathi Mirghani Yousif Ahmed Nationality: Sudanese. Date of birth: 1966 Place of birth: Khartoum – Sudan. Marital status: married. Languages Known: Arabic Language (mother Language) English Language (fair knowledge). Residence Address: Sudan. Khartoum – Jabra square No (4) House No (152). Office Address: Ministry of Animal Resources and Fisheries ELshagara, P.O. Box. (12) Khartoum .Sudan. E. mail: Monday 201282 @ Yahoo .com Mobile No – 00249924292757 and 00249111886309 Home telephone No – 0153996647. Qualification:- • Institute of research and strategy studies. PhD .in strategy planning (fisheries science). Omdurman Islamic University, (2013). • College of post graduates studies. M.Sc in fish biology El Neelain University. (2009) • College of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies. B.Sc (Honours) in fisheries Juba University, (1996). Formal training including professional training: • Computer science (Diploma),(6 months). Elshrooge institute. • Training in fisheries research Centre (one year). Contribution Reports: 1. Contribution towards promotion of aquaculture food from non-conventional resources. A technical report prepared to the institute of environmental studies, university of Khartoum (31pp), and 1998eds. 2. Cage culture for the sea bass.(Malaysia technical cooperation programmer (mtcp), 2003, Kedah. 3. Support to capacity building to promote formal marketing and trade of fish and fish products from the horn of Africa (TCP/RAF/3308), Assessment of the regional fishery trade marketing and quality assurance in the horn of Africa covering member countries. Books: A. Principles scientific for tilapias culture, printing international group press, November2011. Courses: I. Fish culture technology used in fingerling production. Fisheries administration and aquatic resources (Sudan) from24.5- 4.6.2003. II. Introductory course in brackish water aquaculture (Malaysia) from 14.6 -21.7.2003. III. Art of negotiation, university of Khartoum, college of art, center of diplomatic studies (Sudan) from 10.1 - 10.2.2010. IV. English course in Sudan national centre for language (SUNACEL –SELTI) from 22.3 - 10.9.2010. Papers: Accepted and published: 1. Studies on the reproduction of Characids fish in Jebel Aulia Dam. Accepted (17 July 2012) and publication (September 2012) in Caspian Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 1(9), pp. 67-72, 2012 Available online at http://www.cjasr.com ISSN: 2251-9114. 2. Assessment and Production of Characid Fish at White Nile River. International Journal of Environment and Bioenergy , Journal homepage: www.ModernScientificPress.com/Journals/IJEE.aspx,, ISSN: 2165-8951 (volume 2 issues 3) ,Florida, USA: Article history: Received 25 June 2012, Received in revised form 1 August 2012, Accepted 5 August 2012, Published 7 August 2012. 3. Feed Intensity of Characidae Fish in the Jebel Aulia Reservoir in Sudan. Accepted (2September 2012) and publication (November 2012) in Caspian Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 1(10), pp. 67-72, 2012. 4. Morpho-edaphic Index for Estimating the Potential of fish yield of Jebel Aulia dam Reservoir (White Nile) Sudan and its Correlation to the Limnological Parameters of the Reservoir. International Journal of Environment and Bioenergy, Journal homepage: www.ModernScientificPress.com/Journals/IJEE.aspx,, ISSN: 2165-8951 (volume 4 issues 1) ,Florida, USA: Article history: Received 18 September 2012, Received in revised form 7 October 2012, Accepted 13 October 2012, Published 20 October 2012. 5. Length - Weight relationships, Relative condition factor and Relative weight of Characidae fish in Jebel Aulia Dam, Sudan. Journal homepage: www.ModernScientificPress.com/Journals/IJEE.aspx,, ISSN: 2165-8951 , (volume 1 issues 1)International Journal of Marine, Atmospheric & Earth Sciences, 2013, 1(1): 1-7. Received 12 December 2012, Received in revised form 4 January 2013, Accepted 4 January 2013, Published 7 January 2013. 6. Estimation Biomass of Commercial Fish Species in White Nile river, Sudan. Journal homepage: www.ModernScientificPress.com/Journals/IJEE.aspx,, ISSN: 2165-8951 , (volume 1 issues 1)International Journal of Marine, Atmospheric & Earth Sciences, 2013, 1(3): 17-26. Received 12 December 2012, Received in revised form 4 January 2013, Accepted 20 January 2013, Published 30 January 2013. Accepted: 1. Assessment and stock production of Alesttids fish at Jebel Aulia Dam Reservoir. Accepted for publication in journal (ALBUHTH) national research center. 2. Biotic and a biotic factors affecting on Characids\' feeding at Jebel Aulia Dam Reservoir. Accepted for publication in Sudan journal of animal production. 3. Title of Paper :Length -Weight Relationships of Three Commercial Fish Species in Jebel Aulia Reservoir, Sudan, accepted for publication in International Journal of Engineering Research and Development on29th March, 2013. 4. Estimation of Growth Parameters of Four Commercial Fish Species in Jebel Aulia Dam Reservoir, Sudan , accepted for publication International Journal of Marine, Atmospheric and Earth Sciences on25th March, 2013 Paper under published: Aquaculture Problems which face fish farm household in Khartoum states. Papers to review: Reference: Prof. Ashraf M. Abd El-Samee Goda (Editor), International Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture. E-mail:[email protected] : http://www.academicjournals.org/IJFA 1. Evaluation of physicochemical parameters of rainbow trout fish farms waste water and their impacts on water quality of Koohrang river – Iran. 2. Protein expression of sea grass to Pb pollution (Pb) in coastal waters of East Java, Indonesia. Reference: Amin Mojiri . Editorial Assistant, Caspian Journal of Applied Sciences Research .ISSN: 2251-9114 E-mail: [email protected] .http:// www.cjasr.com. Caspian Journal of Applied Sciences Research (CJASR). www.cjasr.com Title of paper: 3. Reproduction of Aphanius dispar (Rüppell, 1829) in Dalaki river, Bushehr, south of Iran. Members: a) Union of Agricultural Engineering. b) Environment Society. c) Society of Fisheries science. d) Alshagara Fishermen Co-operative Society . Experiences: Ministry of animal resources and fisheries .Fisheries administration and aquatic resources as: I. Assistant inspector (1997) . II. Inspector (2000). III. Senior fisheries (2007). IV. Assistant manager (2009) until now. Duties and responsibilities: I. Evolution optimum captures fisheries resources. II. Collection data methods holistic and analytic from the states. III. Writing reports. IV. Study the visiting student (fisheries and vertinary), universities Khartoum, Sudan, Juba, upper Nile and Sudan University. ![]() |
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