اعلانات الوظائف    |    اضافة اعلان
وظائف الكويت
بكالوريوس الطب والجراحة جامعة عين شمس2005 في الكويت
طلب توظيف في مستشفى شركة نفط الكويت - الأحمدي
الاسم: احمد الشيمي
رقم الهاتف:
البريد الالكتروني: [email protected]

Ahmed Mohamed Odaa El shimy
Seeking a position in a leading company where I can implement my background, skills and education, at the same time becoming a part of an innovative and successful organization, where I will the opportunity to contribute to company’s growth.


Nationality: Egyptian
Date of birth: 15/9/1980
Address: 5 siuz street district 7, Nasr city, Cairo
Tel.no:24030001 Mob. 01002710043
E-mail: [email protected]


Certificate: bachelor of medicine and surgery.
University: Ain Shams.
Grade: good.
Year of graduation: Dec.2005.

Computer skills:

Good experience in dealing with Microsoft, office.
Excellent experience with dealing with different internet utilities.
Good experience in typing Arabic and English.


1) House officer in Ahmed Maher hospital 2006/2007.
2) G.P in El wasta hospital 2007/2008.
3) Resident doctor in Kobry Elkobba military hospital 2009/2010.
4) Resident doctor (general surgery) in Al monira general hospital 2010/till now.
5) G.P in Mohamed Bekhet hospital 2009/till now.
6) Membership in Egyptian society of laparoscopic surgery”ESLS”.
7) Marketing and medical research in pharma Dynamic.
8) Working in Care pharmacy 2006/2008.
9) diploma of infection control 2013.
10) diploma of hospital mangment 2013.
11) course of basic life support from NTI 2012

Other skills:

Good driver and have license.
I’m highly motivated person, respect others and able to work under pressure and work in cooperation with others and I have the ability to learn quickly.

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