اعلانات الوظائف    |    اضافة اعلان
وظائف الكويت
بكالريوس ادارة اعمال في الكويت
طلب توظيف في مستشفى الامراض الساريه
الاسم: انتصار هادي
رقم الهاتف:
البريد الالكتروني: [email protected]

Personal Information

Name : Intsar Hadhi Radhi.
Date of Birth : 23/4/1988

Phone # : 25617986 / 65128096.
E-mail : [email protected]

-Bachelor degree of Business Administration (graduated at 2011, grade 3.6 point out of 4 point). From Arab Open University – Kuwait.
-Secondary School (science section, GPA 91.5 out of 100) – Kuwait.

-Arabic (mother language).
-English (excellent).

Computer skills

Excellent in Microsoft office (word, Excel & PowerPoint).
Excellent in using the Internet browser & Outlook.

Special Skills

-Manage multiples tasks
-Work under pressure
-Work for long hours
-Enjoy working within team

Work experience

HR assistant (from Dec, 2011 till now).At Naif Food Company.

Job responsibilities

1-Prepare a report of disciplinary sanctions and calculated.

2-Prepare reports of periodic, emergency and sick leaves and calculated.

3-Prepare a report of resignations and end of services.

4-Follow-up of the new appointments in the company.

5- Follow-up recruitment plans with internal and overseas agencies.

6-Open files for new staff and ensure the availability of important documents.

7-Update and recording staff data on HR soft system.

8-Calculating monthly salaries.

9-Calculating overtime for employees.

10-Calculating entitlement of periodic leaves.

11-Processing of documents required for opening a bank account for new employees.

12-Prepare payment of salary letters to the banks.

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